During Mardi-Gras, all special interests are represented, including Cobra snakes. Many of these groups had annual get togethers during Mardi-Gras. I visited the leather jacket motorcycle groups, Lesbian, Homo and of course the Snake group and sun worshippers.
New Orleans is the place where jazz and the blues were born. Many of the night spots in the French Quarters are still that way. I've never seen so much lacy designed black wrought iron - it's on almost every building including "balconies of second story buildings, windows, gates and railing."
One evening, several TV's were exchanging conversation and gossip in the lobby of the hotel. GG's, Esther K, and her girl friend from Seattle (land of the eternal rain dancers), were sitting next to me. Suddenly Esther leaned over and softly whispered in my ear that the lady on the other side of the room had re-positioned her wig and for a moment appeared to be a guy. I merely smiled impishly and remarked that everyone except the two of them were fellows. She expressed surprise and said she really didn't recognize any of us that we really looked like attractive ladies. Hearing this really did a lot for our egos as we relished every word. I introduced her to each of the femmes and this led to a most interesting and enlightening con- versation with her about us. Since returning, I have exchanged several letters with her. I am certain that the more we get out and explain our femme nature, the difference between it and the female sex, the more enlightened the public will become. Like other hetero female impressionists, I do enjoy it and gain an inner pleasure that words are somehow inadequate to fully describe.
Will I return to Mardi-Gras? You bet, and I invite any TV's, GG who would like to go to contact me. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about myself or this exciting event.
By the way, I am still trying to fix that bra!